This week's pre-publication "can't-wait-to-read selection is:
The Forbidden Game Trilogy
By: L.J. Smith
Re-released June 8, 2010
This is a re-release of L.J Smith's series she published in 1994. This is the only books of hers I haven't read yet so I can't wait. The cover is very nice also. The trilogy has three books that were published seperately: The Hunter, The Chase, The Kill and now they are being published together in one book.
To Lose the Game is To Lose Your Life

The Forbidden Game, Volume I: The Hunter
Jenny wants to get her boyfriend, Tom, a special game for his birthday party. However, she can’t help but be fascinated by the boy with the white-blond hair who sells her a strange game as a present. It turns out that the boy, Julian, is the youngest of those from the Shadow Lands, a race of evil beings who live invisibly just beside our own world. Once Jenny opens the game, she is in his land. Julian is determined to seduce her, but he has to work by a set of inflexible rules, only touching Jenny where she has reached for him.
In the fantasy house that Julian has created, where everyone at the party must face their greatest fear, Julian himself is Jenny’s worst nightmare. . . and maybe her dream lover, as well.
The Forbidden Game, Volume II: The Chase
Jenny begins to get terrifying phone calls and soon it’s clear that Julian is loose is the real world. More and more, Jenny falls under his spell, allowing herself the freedom to do as she likes, no matter the consequences. It seems that Jenny has chosen Julian over Tom. But then her friends are disappearing, sucked into the Shadow Lands, paper dolls left in their places. Can Jenny outwit Julian without giving in to his demands entirely?
The Forbidden Game, Volume III: The Kill
Jenny returns to the place where it all began; her grandfather’s house, where as a child she first met the child-Julian. A door with a strange rune on it opens to the most fantastic creation of Julian’s of all: an empty amusement park that Jenny loved as a child. Except here, all the rides are deadly. More, Jenny must survive her confrontations with an increasingly frustrated and determined Julian. Will he really kill her if he can’t have her? Jenny forces him to make the choice—and two worlds are changed forever.
In the fantasy house that Julian has created, where everyone at the party must face their greatest fear, Julian himself is Jenny’s worst nightmare. . . and maybe her dream lover, as well.
The Forbidden Game, Volume II: The Chase
Jenny begins to get terrifying phone calls and soon it’s clear that Julian is loose is the real world. More and more, Jenny falls under his spell, allowing herself the freedom to do as she likes, no matter the consequences. It seems that Jenny has chosen Julian over Tom. But then her friends are disappearing, sucked into the Shadow Lands, paper dolls left in their places. Can Jenny outwit Julian without giving in to his demands entirely?
The Forbidden Game, Volume III: The Kill
Jenny returns to the place where it all began; her grandfather’s house, where as a child she first met the child-Julian. A door with a strange rune on it opens to the most fantastic creation of Julian’s of all: an empty amusement park that Jenny loved as a child. Except here, all the rides are deadly. More, Jenny must survive her confrontations with an increasingly frustrated and determined Julian. Will he really kill her if he can’t have her? Jenny forces him to make the choice—and two worlds are changed forever.